New DG ISI Takes Charge:
Do we expect clear Red Lines between so called Sovereign & Frontline Ally Status?: ليفٹنٹ جنرل ظہيرالاسلام نے ڈي جي ، انٹر سروسز انٹيلي جنس کا چارج سنبھال ليا ہے
Outgoing Director General, Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), Lt. General Ahemd Shuja Pasha, paid farewell call on Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani. Lieutenant-General Zaheerul Islam will step into Pasha's boots as director-general of the Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) after serving as the commander of the V Corps, a key army administrative unit that is based in Karachi.

Lieutenant General Zaheerul Islam belongs to the 13 infantry unit Punjab Regiment and also served as GCO Murree.
56-year-old Zaheerul Islam comes from military family of Punjab and is considered a close aide of Army Chief Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kayani.
