Nadeem Malik

Friday, January 13, 2012

Text of Resolution to Support Democracy in NA

Text of Resolution to Support Democracy in NA

This House believes that the present democratic dispensation‚ which is about to complete four years‚ came in to being as a result of great sacrifices rendered by the people of Pakistan".

This House reiterates the belief of the democratic forces that the future of Pakistan and well being of its people lies in the continuation and strengthening of democratic institutions and constitutionalism for the resolution of national issues‚ strengthening of the federation and empowering the people of Pakistan.

This House believes that for the furtherance of democracy and democratic institutions the basic constitutional principle of trichotomy of powers must be fully respected and adhered to and all state institutions must strictly function within the limits imposed on them by the Constitution.

This House reiterates that sovereignty lies with the people of Pakistan and the parliament is the repository of the collective wisdom of the people.

This House endorses and supports the efforts made by the political leadership for strengthening democracy and reposes full confidence and trust in them.

پارليمنٹ يا وزير اعظم کي مدت کم ہوني چاہيے تو آئيني ترميم لے آئيں- گیلانی

  • Resolution to Support Democracy Tabled: Voting on Monday in Consultation with Opposition جمہوریت کی حمایت میں قرار داد پیش
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