25-National Security Recommendations
By Nadeem Malik
1-Parliament Must Order the Armed Forces/ISI/MI to uproot/dismantle any hostile network established by any foreign security establishment within Pakistan, with or without approval of any present or former ruler.
2-No permission whatsoever for any foreign private security agencies/contractors.
3-Completely regulate/monitor working of private armed security agencies established by retired army offices within Pakistan, and cancel licence of those who have close links with foreign establishments.
4-No boots on the ground, no trainers no advisors.
5-Paksitani military/airforce/naval bases cannot be handed over to any friendly or otherwise country.
6-All Defence Pacts Must be approved by Parliament
7-Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) Must have a Permanent Institutional Framework to provide oversight to security matters.
8-Army, Air and Navy Chief, as well as DG ISI, MI and IB or any other such organization should brief the PCNS atleast once a month on security challenges and Pakistani response.
9-Minutes of all meetings between any political leader, whether in the government or in the opposition, must be fully recorded and maitained in a special cell in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a complusory legal requirement.
10-Same notes should also be maintained for any meeting between any officer of armed forces, CoAS, DGs etc. with the foreign dignitaries, diplomats and copies of the minutes should be maintained both by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defence, as a compulsory legal requirement.
11-No verbal security agreement would be honoured with any country of the world. All such existing agreement would be written in black and white. 12-No drone attacks/Hot pursuits would be permitted to any country of the world, and any such act would be considered an attack on Pakistan.
13-Logistical support to US/NATO forces in Afghanistan would be linked with assurances from US/NATO troops to end all hostile activity in Pakistani areas, including Balochistan and KPK, Remove all CIA/FBI assets from Pakistani areas, and must stop cross border interference in Pakistani areas through Kunnar, Nuristan and other Afghan areas and stop hostile role of Indian consulates in Afghanistan.
14-US/NATO guarantees that Pakistani land would not be used for any activity against Iran, China or any other country of the region, whether Jindullah type groups or through listening posts in Balochistan.
15-Pakistan's Role in the Afghan end-game must be maintained and US provide a transparent exit strategy.
16-US must remove objects to Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline.
17-Pakistan must be offered Civil Nuclear Technology.
18-Pakistan in return must make sure to end all armed private militias with Pakistani borders.
19-US Supplies through Pakistan must be fully regulated/monitored and taxed.
20-A negative list of items for US/NATO supplies must be developed as many such items make their way into Pakistan.
21-Full records with item-wise details all supplies must be maintained.
22-US Must releases all heldback payments of Coalition Support Fund (CSF) in one tranche upfront.
23-All promised amounts under Kerry-Lugar Bill Must be released and fully allocated for energy sector, no micro-management, no preconditions.
24-All supplies going through Pakistan must by subjected to a port charges, road user charges, taxes, which in turn must be spent on the development of those roads and ports
25-No such activity alliance or agreement should be considered which endangers the lives of Pakistanis, radicalizes our society or a particular group or arming of particular factions. Security and welfare of people and country woul dremain the guiding principle for any such dealing.

16-US must remove objects to Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline.
17-Pakistan must be offered Civil Nuclear Technology.
18-Pakistan in return must make sure to end all armed private militias with Pakistani borders.
19-US Supplies through Pakistan must be fully regulated/monitored and taxed.
20-A negative list of items for US/NATO supplies must be developed as many such items make their way into Pakistan.
21-Full records with item-wise details all supplies must be maintained.
22-US Must releases all heldback payments of Coalition Support Fund (CSF) in one tranche upfront.
23-All promised amounts under Kerry-Lugar Bill Must be released and fully allocated for energy sector, no micro-management, no preconditions.
24-All supplies going through Pakistan must by subjected to a port charges, road user charges, taxes, which in turn must be spent on the development of those roads and ports
25-No such activity alliance or agreement should be considered which endangers the lives of Pakistanis, radicalizes our society or a particular group or arming of particular factions. Security and welfare of people and country woul dremain the guiding principle for any such dealing.
