USA need World War 3 to save its economy. Pakistan is USA Next Target after Afghanistan and Iraq.
Following are the few reason due to which US actively promote, initiate wars, violence, conflicts and chaos across the globe, away from its main land.
1. Wars, conflicts and crisis create direct consumption for US defense/aerospace industry. USA during last century planned thoroughly and laid the necessary groundwork for the growth of the most powerful defense/aerospace industry worth trillion dollars. As a result if we sum up today technological might of US, Defense/Aerospace industry is the back bone of US technological superiority. In Defense/Aerospace industries US firms have monopoly and do not have ant parallel/equal competitor in whole world (including G8 countries).
2. Each war/crisis is followed by construction work which is mostly done by US firms/cartels. Examples are Europe (after WW II) and Iraq reconstruction recently. Transparency international Bribe payers index 2002, ranks defence industry as the 2nd most corrupt business sector- just ahead of oil and gas sector but behind the public works and construction sectors. These all sectors are controlled and manipulated by USA.
3. Wars, crisis and violence results in enhanced public spending. During WWW I (triggered by non state agents) more than 1.2 million US soldiers were employed. Similarly during 1930/40s General Motor was on verge of collapse in the same way as today in 2008/09. Then President Roosevelt gave special orders for making engine for military tanks and aircrafts instead of cars. Same tanks and aircraft were then utilized in WWW II.
4. Each war, conflict and map redrawing have created US dependant states. Examples are Isreal, Saudi Arabia (out of Ottoman Empire after WW I). Saudi Arabia is depended on USA for last seven decades for all external and internal threats. Israel act as counter balance for US strategic interest in Middle East. Recent warming of relation and increasing closeness between India and US is direct result of the India and Pakistan escalation. As result both look toward Washington for favorable tap.
5. Wars, crisis and violence create favorable and monopolistic business/trade conditions for most of US firms and MNCs. Wars, crisis and violence create preferential monopolies over trade routes and natural resource.
6. Wars, violence and crisis also result capital flight from whole globe to US main land, which has remained safe from any war, violence and crisis during last century. Whereas US has been remained direct/indirect sponsor, initiator and actor in all such wars, violence and crisis. US has jumped in each war after some Flag post operation like Pearl Harbor (WW II) or 9/11 (War on Terror).
7. Wars, violence and crisis across the globe also pulls down complete region and act as drag on US rival and competitor economies with which US economy is unable to remain competitive and correct its own structural gaps.
8. On domestic front, wars, violence and crisis across the globe are used by Washington for attention divertion from structural flaws in US economic and financial system.