Nadeem Malik

Friday, March 27, 2009

Plz save Pakistan and Pashtuns : Pakistan is on Target of USA after Iraq/Afghanistan

Dear Sir,

 My family basically hails from KOONI GURAM (Wana) but now days settled in Lucky Marvat. I am married presently residing in Karachi, a city of more than 18 million souls. The terrible condition of Muslims, dark clouds over Pakistan future and Pashtuns genocide is compelling s to write and highlight these critical issues. We can't trust main stream local and international media (Blind, Deaf) as some thing is terribly wrong the way world is shown Terrorism, Taliban, Al-Qaeda, NATO Force, US, Tribal areas. Foreign powers and their local agents responsible for killing BB, May-12, Red Mosque will tear apart Pakistan, if someone tried to point toward them. The only safe way out for them is complete destruction of Pakistan.

          Recently many groups on face book/orkut/blogs and NGOs in Islamabad have popped which are spreading USA, CIA and RAW propaganda against Islam and Pakistan in name of Pashtuns and Baluch. These agents pretended themselves to be Pashtun or Baluch or Muslims, however they are all are Fake mostly living abroad.

             As concerned Pashtun for Pakistan, I would request all Pakistani and Muslim brothers to please fight this cyber war. We should not let Pakistan become a escape goat for NATO/US failure in Afghanistan. We should not pay the price for all US/CIA agents like Karzai, Zardari and Mush, whose policies have brought Pakistan, the region and Muslim world on brink of disaster. Please visit following anti-Pakistan and anti-Islam propaganda in name of Pashtuns oppression.


Aryana Institute for Regional Research and Advocacy (AIRRA)

I'm a Pathan and proud of it!


We Got Lucky... We're Pashtun.

 There are many other Groups. Please search and give few minutes daily to our Islam, country and our mother land.

 Pashtuns are target from every corner; however they do not want Pakistan to break up. We may crticize our Pakistan but not at price of our freedom. We can go to the various online sites of different organizations like Human Rights, UN, Embassies and Amnesty International, various news papers, TV stations, Media etc in order to lodge our grievances to various authorities, columnist, writers, TV anchors and other watch dog agencies. We can also fight the media battle through phone. We can call the local radio or TV station especially we email international deafs and blinds like CNN, BBC, Fox. We can discuss Palestine, Kashmir, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan. That's what's needed: Not the stories about hijab, Al-Qaeda and Taliban. We can distribute all articles, themes written by various scholars, writers on US, NATO and CIA atrocities across the globe. We should circulate especially the articles written by Non Muslims/foriegn authors against US imperilism in favor of Muslim Ummah. Success stories in this regard should also be celebrated publicly and disturbed online to all. Muslim Media students/graduate/firms should give extensive coverage to every minute success in this Jihad. Moreover live talk shows should be arranged for brainstorming for making strategy for tackling this cyber war and proganda against Pakistan.

 "One person can't do everything but everyone can do something"

             Our corrupt rulers will doom us in worst possible way.  We should use our freedom of expression to announce to at least 10 persons per week that we love peace and our Muslim brothers more than our lives and condemn the heinous acts of US, NATO agianst Muslims and Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Tribal Area. Please try to print this article in your Local magazines, newspapers, newsletter, etc.  Forward this email to as many people as possible. Bare minimum requested from each of us is to forward this email to as many as people possible frequently.

 Thank you and best regards.

 FM Shah Marvat





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