The success story of Asians tigers is a huge blow to the ego. One feels self -conscious, almost ashamed at the ease with which many 3rd world countries have developed their institutions and social structure based on rule of law and democracy. Pakistan, on the other hand, is still ruled by western puppets, military dictators, corrupt politicians, borrowed education system and colonial era bureaucracy sixty years after independence and in the twenty first century. Pakistan finds itself at cross road on various issues like democracy, rule of law, justice, role of Islam and Sharia. Various mainstream scholars have presented various explanations, justifications and reasons for Pakistan failure ranging from Law of necessity to civil-military bureaucracy and Mullah to religious intolerance. It is easy to say that we had tremendous bad luck as power was snatched by civil military bureaucracy with collusion of judicial law of necessity. However the reason why our systems are not working has less to do with these factors and more with myopic and unidirectional view of events in our colonial history. All mainstream media, writers, academics and scholars' have certain assumptions and ignore various historical facts. Some of these myths are following
a) It was not possible to resist British after 1857 through resistance. Sir Syed Strategy for active collaboration and loyalty to British Empire was the best possible and only option. Please recall in the same era British had already lost USA, they were pulling out of Afghanistan and were facing resistance in opium wars.
b) British modernized India, if West has not colonized India, it still would have been in stone ages. Industrial revolution was the best and indigenous European phenomena. It was direct result of the surplus in European societies due to colonial loot plunder from resource rich Indo-Pak and China. Quite interestingly for last 5000 years known history out of 1,00,000 years human history on earth, both India and China (2/5 of the globe) has always been super rich except last 200 years during colonial era.
c) East India Company and British Empire colonization of Indo-Pak is considered a natural process similar and continuity of Pre-Islamic era Hindu rule followed by Muslim rule. Rather some declare British colonial rule better than local Muslim or Hindu rule. However India was self sufficient, resource rich and center of civilization for more than 5,000 year when ruled locally either by Hindu or Muslim. Whereas by mere 200 years of colonial rule, Indo-Pak is still ruled by poverty and life vary from poverty to extreme poverty. Such terrible conditions of masses have been unknown in Indian subcontinent for last 5000 year except colonial rule
d) Gandhi and Bacha Khan non violence campaigns are considered indigenous and best philosophy for resistance. Quite fascinatingly British benefited most from such non violence campaigns in critical era, as it strengthen colonial grip on Indo-Pak moreover such campaigns diverted people from armed resistance to British empire. Similarly Muslim league(brainchild of Agha-III) is considered a pure Muslim phenomena whereas the primary objective of Muslim league was Muslims loyally, which was need of time for British Empire as it needed badly Indian wealth and troops on various fronts ranging from local to international fronts.
e) Similarly it is believe that every thing was fine and nice till 1947 and all the evils in Pakistan popped out blue after 1947. The only acknowledged evil from pre-Pakistan are feudal. Various other actors, cartels and sold outs who collaborated and strengthened British colonial are never discussed, touched and exposed.
f) Pakistan is considered the outcome of Muslim League efforts under Jinnah leadership. However it is easily overlooked that Pakistan was strategic necessity for Western policies in the region against USSR. USA persuaded actively UK to expedite Indian division. Meaning thereby, it should not be shocking and surprise that why Pakistan always lay down in front of West especially USA.
g) British imported/created various minorities like Agha Khanis, Parsis and Qadianis. These minorities actively collaborated with East India Company and British Empire against masses. These minorities are more powerful than state and have been imposed over majorities.
Our colonial state structures from beginning are skewed and our history of national movement has been anything but fair. What accounts for this? What is so inherently wrong in our system or psyche that does not allow our system and institutions to work? The failure of Pakistan is an old question but well worth revisiting.
It is not possible to discuss all of the above stated historic fallacies in detail. However as interesting case, Agha Khanis active role for British Empire and their activities against masses and Muslim ummah will be discussed in detail. This case study will help in understanding the affect of imposing minorities over majorities. Once state policies revolve around minorities, then rule of law, democracy and principle based society can not be exist. Islam, Quran and Sharia become controversial. In this case study on Agha Khani, traditional Sunni/Shia ulema references have been avoided. Western authors, European scholar's and Agha Khani references have been preferred. Some of the sources are given below:-
1. The History of the Assassins by Von Hammer
2. The Memoirs of Agha Khan Cassell and Company Ltd. London 1954
3. The Assassins by Bernard Lewis,
4. Spirit of Islam by Ameer Ali
5. Noorum Mubin by Gulam Ali Chunara
6. Ismailis by Farhad Daftari
7. A History of the Secret Societies by Arcane Deary
8. Sayasatnama by Nizam-ul-Mulk
9. The Origins of Isma'ilism. by Bernard Lewis
10. Encyclopedia Britannia (11th Edition )
It is very important to note these privileged and over protected minorities do not include Christian, Hindus and Sikhs. Just like common masses in Pakistan, Christian, Hindus and Sikhs mostly faces the discrimination, intolerance in our society. These minorities are under protected and local inhabitants since centuries.
FM Shah
Agha Khanis consider Agha Khan as man god and an incarnation of Hazrat Ali (RD.) and Rasool Allaah (p.b.u.h.) Aga Khan in his capacity is considered as Imaam holder and Noor-e-Elahie and Noor-e-Hidayat. Brushing aside this religious claim, Aga Khan along with his followers just like Zionist are engaged upon to carve out Ghali Shia Ismaili State in the North of Pakistan out of Northern Areas, NWFP, Jammu Kashmir, Pul-i Khumri, Darr-i Kiyan, Badakshan, Pamirs, certain areas of Tajikistan and other central Asian Muslim States. Agha Khanis are successors of Qaramatis, Assassins and Fatimids. Qaramatis killed 20,000 Hujjaj within the sacred premises of BAITULLAH and carried away HAJR-E-ASWAD and kept it in Yemen for more than twenty-two years. Qaramatis/Assassins/Fatimids Doctrine revolve around abandonment of the Shariat-i-Islam (Quran & Sunnah). Most interesting tenet was universal sharing of properties, including women considered as the common property of all the men folk. The Fatimids first founded in Africa, around of the end of the third century of Hegira, by Qaramatis da'i. Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi, the Muslim great hero, was a victim of multiple murderous assaults by Fatimids. It is interesting to learn that this worthy son of Islaam fought against Fatimids as they had collobrated with Jews and Christian Crusaders. This simple fact should be enough to explain the role of Ismailis against Muslim Ummah.
Agha Khan I Persians (mostly Shia) were always suspicious and considered Agha Khan-I as secret agents on payroll of the British East India Company in order to spread anarchy and revolt in Persia. Mirza Muhammad Shah (Persian King after 1834) was an ardent enemy of Agha Khan-I due to his collusion and intrigues with British. Initially Agha Khan-I had some success but finally was defeated and was expelled out of Persia disgracefully. After Persia, Agha Khan-I was tasked in Afghanistan to help Major Henry Rawlison British Political agent at Kandhar and William Macnaghten, British envoy at Kabul. British were at war with the valiant Afghans Tribal Pashtun. Agha Khan provided mercenary's services to East India Company at Rs.25 per horseman during these tribal wars. Agha Khan-I was paid Rupees 2,000/- monthly by East India Company. Agha Khan I also forged few letters on the name of Shah Shujja, King of Afghanistan in order to spread anarchy and raise rebellion and to put a wedge between King and the masses. In 1842, Agha Khan had to leave Afghanistan disgracefully along with his British Masters and reached Quetta on 5, October, 1842.
Agha Khan I mercenaries services are very similar to existing services of Pakistan role in tribal area on monthly rent to USA and NATO during ongoing War for Terror. Most interestingly most of the NGOs in Afghanistan and Tribal area are from Agha Khan Network whereas most of the rival NGOs (surfaced after Earthquake), potential future threat to Agha Khan Network are banned systemically by UN/US/UK.
In December 1842 Agha Khan I was brought to Sindh. In January 1843, he met Charles Napier, the Commander of East India Company Forces, and provided following services to East India Company war for Sindh enslavement.
1. To protect East India Company Interests in Sindh,
2. Espionage against valiant freedom fighters of Sindh/Baluch.
3. To fight against the Ameers where and when required by the East India Company.
Ameers of Sindh along with Baluch Tribes were planning attack on Major James Outram, Sindh political agent in Hyderabad followed by a final blow to General Charles Napier. Agha Khan I betrayed Ameers of Sindh and spied to Maj. Outram about the attack. This intelligence and spying was decisive in the battle of Miani (Feb-1843). Ammers of Sindh were further shocked in battle field to find Agha Khan I with his mercenary cavalry fighting for East India Company. Ameers were defeated and the Sindh lost its freedom and fell in British slavery for next 100 years. One road each in Karachi Sadder area are still named after this General Charles Napier and Agha Khan. It is for these treason against local masses that Agha Khanis just like Parsis are the most powerful and sacred cult, and above every state law and media reports. Lieutenant Richard Burton, of Bombay army has mentioned the in his correspondence with John Bull that Ameer Sher Muhammad escaped Napier onslaught and Agha Khan-I treachery. Therefore he attacked the Agha Khan-I along with 500 strong Baluchs on 23 March, 1843 at Jherruk. However Agha Khan cowardly ran away and was rescued by East India Company Forces. Can there be a greater treachery against Masses and Sindh?
Agha Khan II The period of Imamat of Agha Khan II lasted only for four years. Real power rested with his wife Servi Jahan Kajum known as Lady Ali Shah, who a very clever lady.
Agha Khan III. Agha Khan III, on his grand father (Agha Khan I) footsteps, also served as the secret agent and successfully completed espionage missions, armed rebellious insurgencies against Ottoman Caliphate. Generally Aga Khan III as Muslim League 1st President is portrayed as the champion of Democracy and Muslim cause. As most of the Indo-Pak history has been written by collaborators of East India Company and British Empires beneficiaries. Aga Khan III acted incessantly and earnestly against the Islamic values, and interests of Muslim Ummah. In 1914 after outbreak of WW-I British wanted to remove Khedive, Egypt Ruler, due to his inclination toward Germans/Ottomans. Agha Khan III threatened Khediv of monstrous British might and force on one hand and with the temptation of annuity worth 30,000/- Pounds per year, for life, exempted from British Income Tax. General Allenby's Intelligence Service was handicapped during the World War-I between the British and the Turks. Agha Khan-III faithfully fulfilled this gap successfully. In reward of these secret services, the status of an Indian Ruling Prince for life and a salute of eleven guns was granted to Agha Khan-III. According to Encyclopedia Britannia (11th Edition Supplement Volume 30 Page 70) Aga Khan's and his followers provided a solid phalanx of whole-hearted support to Britain, which had a steady influence in sterilizing the efforts of impatient headstrong elements. It goes on to refer the secret missions of great importance in Egypt, Switzerland and elsewhere entrusted to His Highness Agha Khan III.
Aga Khan III was a party to the conspiracy to establish the Zionist state of Israel. Agha Khan III twice presided League of Nations during inter world war period. This period between Balfour Declaration (after WWW I resulting collapse of Ottoman Empire) and establishment of Zionist State of Israel (after WWW II resulting collapse of British Empire) was critical for Zionist. He colluded and collaborated actively with, Americans and British for establishment of Zionist Israel state. Aga Khan III narrates in his Autobiography "The Memoirs of Agha Khan page 150 to152" his relations and connections with Zionists, his persistent efforts for the cause of the establishment of the State of Israel and destruction of Ottoman Empire.
Just like Zionist Isreal, Agha Khan III wanted to establish Ismailis state in Indo-Pak. Agha Khan III in his Memoirs (Cassell and Company Ltd. London 1954) states that " it had long been felt among the Ismaili community that it would be desirable to possess a national home, a scrap of earth of their own which all Ismailis, all over the world, could call theirs in perpetuity, where they could practice all their customs, establish their own laws, and (on the material side) build up their own financial centers, with its own banks, investment trusts, insurance schemes, and welfare and provident arrangements. The idea of Territorial State made no particular appeal to me; but in view of the strength of Ismaili sentiment on the matter I made my approach to the Government of India. I gave to Britain's war effort from 1939 onwards; every penny that I could save or raise in London was invested in various war loans; and I know that neither the Bank of England nor the Treasury was unaware of the extent of such help as I was able to give. "
After 1947, most of the elite Agha Khan Families along with Parsi families migrated to Paris France. Quite interestingly there are always Bombs Blasts in Shias Imam Bargah, Sunnis Mosque, Christians Churches and Hindu Temples in Pakistan and their religious/prayer leaders are always killed. However media has never ever reported any Bomb blast in Agha Khanis Jamaat Khana or killings of their Mukhis (Religious Leader) has been ever reported. It should raise eye brows why it is always Shia/Sunni Majority or minorities like Hindu/Christian who suffers all sort of religious violence? Why Agha Khani, Qadianis or Parsis mysteriously do not suffer the same extremisms? Off course there are outside dimension of religious intolerance in Pakistan but there are also internal vested interests. By such sponsored and engineered violence, religious sentiments are portrayed as extremist and therefore Sharia and Islam implementations are avoided. These Western agents have been juggling and proving Rule of Law, Democracy, Islam, Quran and Sharia controversial in order to avoid it and protect their Western Master agenda and self vested interest. These powerful minorities have full control over national academics, press and electronic media. The activities of Aga Khan-IV and his uncle under the garb of education institutes like Aga Khan University Hospital and LUMS and various NGO's like Aga Khan Foundation, , Aga Khan Education Services network, Health Services and Network of Health Units, Aga Khan Rural Support Programme are not free from doubt and are full suspicion. These minorities have benefited most from Dictators like Auyb, Zia and Musharaf. After 47 these have always supported Army Atrocities against masses like Bengalis, Baluchs, Sindhis and Pakhtuns. If you give some logic for Democracy, Quran, Islam or Sharia. These liberal Fanatics will give Fatwa and declare you as Militant, Taliban and Terrorist. In India, Bangladesh and Pakistan the establishment is composed of similar 150-160 business families from minorities, who were/are blue eyed of East India Company, British Empire, West and US. These families control financial, business and industrial hubs like Bombay/Karachi and ultimately whole India and Pakistan. Rest Politicians, Feudal, Generals, Bureaucracy, Intellectuals, Academics, Media and Institutions are visible components of the Establishment and revolving around the core/nucleus of Establishment in various orbits according their relative importance for the establishment.