Nadeem Malik

Thursday, November 01, 2007

World Public Opinion Poll

World Public Opinion Poll


80 pct Pakistani say government should not allow American or other foreign troops to enter Pakistan to pursue and capture al Qaeda fighters



77 pct oppose allowing foreign troops to attack Taliban insurgents based in Pakistan


44 pct support Pakistan army should enter FATA to pursue and capture al Qaeda fighters


Only 21 pct show faith in leadership of President Musharraf




Washington Post



Five years ago, elite Pakistani troops stationed near the border with Afghanistan began receiving hundreds of pairs of US-made night-vision goggles



But every three months, the troops had to turn in their goggles for two weeks to be inventoried, because the US military wanted to make sure none were stolen or given away



Bush administration has provided nearly $11 billion in aid to Pakistan since 2001, most of it in military hardware and cash support



Pakistani government has lacked sufficient commitment to engage the enemy- US Officials


US equipment is not being used in a sustained way- Seth Jones, Rand Corporation


There have been elements of the government that have worked with the Taliban in the tribal areas in the past-


Pakistan military also complain about US-made attack helicopters that are grounded for weeks because of parts shortages


Mahmud Ali Durrani, Pakistan's ambassador to the United States says-

"Is our military effort going as well as we hoped? No. But is Iraq going as well as hoped?" "We will fight terrorism because it is for our own good. But it is a very big job."



"The billions of American taxpayer dollars to Pakistan since September 11 have clearly failed to prevent our number one enemy from setting up shop in that country," said Sen. Robert Menendez,



The Pentagon's monitoring is conducted under a special program -- EUM, or Enhanced End-Use Monitoring -- that allows U.S. officials in Pakistan to check all the serial numbers every three months



Pakistan has received more than $6 billion from the Coalition Support Fund, government documents show


Washington-based nonprofit group Terror Free Tomorrow found that 19 percent of Pakistanis held a favorable view of the United States, down from 26 percent the previous year


Less than a tenth of overall US aid to Pakistan since 2001 has gone to support the country's economy and social infrastructure


About $64 million for schools -- a sum smaller than the funding level for education in a typical small US city- CSIS report




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